Saturday, 30 April 2016

Wireless Solar Tracking System with LabVIEW and Arduino


This was the final year project for my engineering course at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. The solar tracking works on the principal of astronomical equations which calculates the coordinates of the sun by calculating the elevation and azimuth angle given the latitude, longitude and time zone of a given place.The use of a tracking system greatly improves the power gain from solar radiation.The amount of current a PV panel produces has a direct correlation with the intensity of light the panel is absorbing. Below is a simple drawing of the system: 

How it works ?

The software uses complex mathematical astronomical equations to determine the position of the sun very accurately. The inputs required by the software includes the Latitudes, Longitudes and time zone of the location by the user. Other inputs like date, hour, minutes and seconds are taken by the LabVIEW program from the computer system itself thus minimizing the hassle of inputting all the data. The software system calculates the azimuth and elevation angle which is fed to the Arduino board wirelessly via XBee chip. This Arduino board generates a PWM signal proportional to the angle it gets from the software and this is fed to the servo motors which in turn rotate the pan tilt structure on which panel is mounted.

The project is divided into two modules: software module and hardware module. Both this modules have to work in synchronism in order to achieve solar tracking. 

One of the unique feature of the project lies in the 'Sun Trajectory Tab' .
This tab provides the information of the sun trajectory with the help of both 2D and 3D graphs along with the current position of the sun. The 2D graph is plotted ‘Elevation Angle’ vs ‘Azimuth Angle’ and the 3D graph gives a more comprehensive outlook to the trajectory of the sun with the directions marked. The trajectory of the sun for both 2D and 3D graph is plotted by simulating the algorithm from sunrise to sunset thus plotting points for each second of the day. 

The hardware module comprises of the following components: mechanical components, HS-311 servo motors, Arduino Board, XBee shield, XBee and 1W solar panel. The hardware module is responsible to hold the solar panel and aligned it to the sun to obtain the maximum efficiency from the solar panel while wirelessly communicating with the software module. 

The project is featured on LabVIEW MakerHub website to visit click here


  1. Nice work Rahil...Great blog....

    1. Hey Manas! thanks for your feedback !
      Follow our blog for upcoming posts.

  2. you must detail about code

    1. Hey there !
      Thank you for your feedback. In case you require more information kindly email me on

  3. It's a great work. I do have some follow up question/s. Is the horizontal/vertical orientation of the panel considered in calculating the amount needed for angular rotation? Thanks in advanced.

    1. Hey Mark ! Thanks for your feedback !
      With regards t o your question, yes it does take care.
      If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.
